The things that can happen to outdoor adventures never cease to amaze me. Years go by, books get written, stories get made into movies, and we all know better …  yet it happens again and again, like clockwork.

I was recently in the far quiet north contemplating life on the shore of Lake Superior, of course, I had a book in my hands while I listened to the crashing of the waves. A wilderness survival book nonetheless. In fact this book was about some real-life survival stories, one of which happened a mear ~50 miles or so from where I was comfortably reclining on a sofa with a hot cup of tea and my book watching the sun go down over that Big Lake.

And then, much to my surprise, as I scrolled through my phone … I saw a story pop up of basically that exact same thing happening to someone many thousands of miles away in Colorado. It was just too good to be true. Two stories, thousands of miles apart, a decade has passed … yet the same thing was still happening.

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Long week? Tired of the proverbial rat race? Are kids too addicted to their screens? Are you too addicted to your screen??

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I keep wondering if we will see an Arc floating by. It seems we are always fighting one thing or another. One year it’s dry and forest fires blow smoke to our southern neighbors, or like this year it’s biblical floods.

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I’m not sure if you keep up on the happenings in the outdoor world, but we, Average Flatlanders do, and one of the strange pieces of news recently is the apparent dying on the vine of probably one of the most popular and best outdoor stores REI.

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Let’s just pretend for a minute, let’s say you knew that you were going to be dropped off in the middle of the woods somewhere, anywhere, 3 days from civilization. You get to take 10 items. What do you take?

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The Minnesota Boundary Waters, known for its rugged and untouched wilderness areas, and endless chains of lakes and islands that slither on into eternity, have long been a haven for adventurers seeking solace and connection with nature. The Boundary Waters of the North are one of the best-kept Midwest secrets, loved by some and unknown by most others.

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Ever heard of the Boundary Waters? Probably. Ever been there? Probably not.

This is one of those areas steeped in tradition and folklore, everyone knows someone who has “gone to the Boundary Waters,” but few people themselves have actually done the dirty deed. Well, six Average Flatlanders packed up the cars, the fishing poles, and little pickle, and headed up to the North Country to explore the Boundary Waters area and find Bigfoot if possible.

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I used to have a granddaddy who told me that a good walking stick was akin to the support of a loving family in most situations. They help you get along when times are tough, they hold you up through it all, and they stick with you when the going is tough (sorry I couldn’t resist).

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2 things that most Woodsmen encounter in life…


One is the rain.
Two is condensation because you are trapped inside a structure somewhere it is raining.


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Exploring the great outdoors can be a thrilling experience for families. With the promise of fresh air, beautiful landscapes, and bonding moments, embarking on an outdoor adventure with your children can create memories that last a lifetime. However, planning such a trip, especially with kids in tow, requires special considerations.

I’ve been taking my kids on outdoor adventures since they were weeks old. My first daughter who was born on February 11th, spent the first weeks of her life wrapped inside my coat snowshoeing on windswept Wisconsin lakes and woods. It’s never too early to start. Most people shy away when thinking about taking on big mountain adventures with kids. Not us. We embrace it.

Here’s a guide to ensure that your adventure is both enjoyable and safe.

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