Entries by Daniel Beach

History of Iowa that Isn’t Boring

I can still remember what I would call an idyllic upbringing as a young boy in this most beautiful state buried in the depths of the Midwest. To this day, I have never understood those lines in the movies where someone says, with much emphasis, that so-and-so Neanderthal person lives in Des Moines. I always […]

Bushcraft and our Pioneer Past

If there is one thing we can say about the upper Midwest, it’s that we’ve had our fair share of Pinoeers come through and settle these fair lands. Unlike other parts of our beloved country that were settled hundreds of years earlier, it took those explorers some time to explore the extent of the Mississippi […]

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Bacon Wrapped Bushcraft

It’s been a very strange winter so far in the upper Midwest. Tomorrow is February, and instead of fighting snow and freezing cold temperatures, we are in the midst of the perfect Indian Summer. It felt like spring today in the woods, with the sun shining bright and birds chirping. The only thing that gave […]

DNR offloading Iowa’s State Parks?!

I couldn’t believe my very own eyes; it really couldn’t be true, could it? For once, I was working on some research totally unrelated to the Iowa DNR, digging into the lesser-known but wonderful Rolling Prairie Bike Trail of North Central Iowa. There are 21 miles of paved bike trail in Butler County and 7 […]

Iowa DNR has abandoned our Public Lands.

I love the outdoors in our hidden gem, the Upper Midwest; it’s a one-of-a-kind place. Sure, we trick all those unsuspecting victims driving through on I-80 into thinking that Iowa is just a series of undulating and rolling corn fields that go on forever. But that’s ok; it keeps our beautiful state uncrowded and the […]