3 Things to Consider When Pickin’ that Tinder.

The first thing on the list is the conditions!
Let’s get right down to the nitty-gritty. The woods can be a very damp or wet place, and it is important to know where the driest sources of tinder are. Between and under trees are great places to find tinder. Blades of dry grass. old peeling bark, these are all great. A bushcrafter can also find drier tinder in the lower boughs of trees.Look for the snap, but don’t count on the snap as an indication of dryness. For example, wood in the wintertime can be very wet and make that same comforting snap.
Number two
Have some tinder with you, or pick some for now and some for later. The well-stocked tinder box should have some dry tinder for when none is available. If you have ever experienced the desperation of trying to find tinder when all the woods are green then you know how difficult it can be to find.
Lastly, number 3 is to have a backup source of fire in there. Whether it matches, a lighter, or even petroleum-soaked cotton balls.
If you can do all three of these things, you’ll already be ahead of the game.
Ed – Happy fire building!